Monday, December 29, 2008

Balik Kampung :D

Hello blog ;D

Just cam bck from kampung halaman di Taiping. Been really a while owh tak balik sana. Tapi in the end balik jugak. Sampai nadah around 10.45 pm, me and parents and litl bro was greeted with a warm welcome by opah, uncle's and aunt's. Cuti two days tanpe annoying sisters just ended. In another word, pening kepala naiklah balik (Haish) :DD. First day agenda is:
  • Cari dvd as kat sane banyak varieties( cetak rompak)
  • Pergi makan ais kacang fuhh :DD
  • Tidor
  • Main layang2..

Second day dah start boring. Ape mau bwat, cubaan banyak sangat. kite kenelah skip the other one day. Sampailah mase nak bali kayjay kesayangan aku. salam semua orang naek kereta and went off home :DD

Skrang sudah penat, mau tido

Bubye :DD

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hai blog :DD

Thank god today was as planned. Today, as you can see me and some friends went for a movie at one utama. Gosh, dah lama owh tak pergi tgk wayang and jejak kaki kat o.u. Before going there, i went to buy my school books. At 11.00 am nas and izz came and we went by bus. After arrriving, kiteorg pergi cari g.s.c. then went for a "jalan2". I bought a brand new bag. It was cheap though, Rm 49.90 before discount. Izz bought a scarf for RM 10 which i think is expensive. Nas just took a radioactive plastic bag. We then jumpe rauf and epul infront of the cinema. Bought some popcorn and refreshments lepastu apelagi, masuk panggunglah.... We watch BOLT 3D. The show went well. I liked the personality of Rhino the Hamster :DD. Habis wayang, we continued our "jalan2". Then, epul met his friend from sp. She invited us for bowling, tapi kiteorg kate nvmlah... In the end, dieorg nie pergi jugak boling. Ater finishing kiteorg went to the bus station. Tunggu the bus until 6.00 pm. Lepastu the bad tragedy happen,i forgot that akmal needs a haircut. I was really frusted with the situation. Sampai2 station k.j. i really felt wrong for forgetting. In the end nenek said esok go after friday prayers. Feywh, i gave nenek a birthday present which cost me RM 25. I know memang expensive but nenek dah banyak helped as she took care of me since i was a baby. Now, i'm updating blog :DD then sleep.
Will update later :DD Ciao bloggy

Monday, December 1, 2008


Hari sabtu memang penat.
My mom ajak me pergi jungle trekking dgan colleagues die. Haisyooh, dahla
saya pemalas. Tapi ape boleh bwat, family first. Kiteorg pergi mendaki kat some place nearby
jer pown. Name tmpt is bukit gasing. Awal plak bgun that day.
We were late. Sampai2 trus bergerak. Halfway masuk hutan tuh ramai org terjatuh.
Maklumlah malam semalam hujan agak lebat :DD. Saya gelakla ape lagi tunggu..
Well ingat kejap tapi in the end tgk jam dah pukul satu. Memang agak lame disana. jadi ape mau buat
Endings memang best. Anda setuju? Ade org belanje makan kat a&w's.
Jadi rugilah penat lelah saya memanjat dan mengharunginye.. hahahah
well cukup2 dulu
adios dulu :DD