Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two Days Of Learning

Hye everyone,

Sorry for not updating. For two days during the weekends i went for a seminar at Shah Alam Politeknik. The seminar was quite good. The subjects includes all except agama. It started yesterday, at 6 in the morning i woke up and get ready for the event. I was really tired owh. We were late to arrive due to a technical prob. Maths was fine. So was English. I met with Amir Acap. Been really a while tak jumpe die. Haih, then after rehat science was like shit. the guy was talking about the reproduction chapt. only. Very irratated about so, buat bodoh jer. Today, Bahasa melayu was great. Tukang Jahit Sauryah was a wrong sentence( that's new). Sejarah was cool. got lots and lots of graphics and sound. The guy likes indie I guess. Geografi was better than cik koh's. He gave us some important topics and "petua".

Woah, tommorow is the drama. Takut tahap takut. I'm potraying an evil father in law. I hope everyone will do their best tommorow :D So for the actor and actress, I wish u guys all the best tommorow.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh, what a day

Hye everyone :D. today was the first day for school after the holiday. Got my results for my exam. I got a 93 for math. Haha puan khor boleh quiet XD, science i got a mere 56. I dunno what happen but sumthin was wrong. Geo I got 68. Average mark ryte? Puan Rajoo said we need to record. I mean wtf man. Microphone are not "usang". Whateverlah that part. So, at 2.30 pm today we went to Grido and started recording it. It was fun as I was Director one. Scary at first, but will grow into a great show. The price for the recording is Rm160, which is mahal kowt for school-going students XD. Tapi die dah byk tolong is baik already. This is the pict from the act today:

so, until here
Khairul Aiman :D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fifteenth Post

So today was my first exam for the year. It started off with bahasa melayu. Quite though for a ujian bulanan. Then we had seni after rehat. Kena draw some stuff but tak bawak the barang2. when did the tacher ask suruh bawak? Haish. english was kinda senang but ade careless (Aiman2). Already spoke with my team members about going to Melaka. Wow, jauh ryte my team going. I firstly ingat nak buat dekat Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad, then had a change of mind. They all kate okay but ade yang tgk dulu. esk is agama, maths and sejarah. Math and agama is my weakest subject. So today must study late lorh. The drama is almost heading for its deadline. Headaches rising when I was to be the new director. God I need your help. Well off for today. Tomorrow will post again. See ya'll :DD

Khairul Aiman A/k Khairulanwar XD

Monday, March 2, 2009

Apabila Burung Tau Buang Sampah XD

Agak2 kalau korang baca mule, tajuk nie ape? Aku pown tak tau knape and mengape terlintas di otak aku. Hari sangat padat macam sardin. Masa balik tadi ade praktis drama. Aku telah melatih bahagian err bahagianlah. Homework hari ini memuaskan(sebenarnya mane ade homework pown :D). Kite summarieskan cerita2 hari2 yang sudah lepas.

Ahad yang merumitkan,

Pada tepat jam 8.00 pagi aku bangun and start study, sebab tengah hari tu ade latihan drama dekat kompleks polis. Pejam celik2 sudah jam 11.00, maka bersiaplah untuk agenda itu. Salam mak, moyang the trus blah. Sampai sane kene tunggu orang pulak. Iman kuat, semua sampai bergerak ke Grido Jamming Studio untuk entah buat ape sebenarnye kat situ. Dieorg tgh syok mengalunkan lagu, aku keluar lepak ngan towkay Grido tgk Chuckie. Bapak seram. Fuwh, sedang syok menonton, dapat panggilan tanye aku dimana padahal masih diGrido. Habis jamming grak makan. Nie sebenarnye bukan praktis drama tetapi melepak. Sampai Giant, bukan pergi makan tapi entah apekebenda dieorg buat. Tunjuk perasaan. Sampai rumah kene pulak meriam mak. Memang berang jer. Ape yg menyebabkan aku hantar sms itu. Entahla, mungkin darah sampai kepale dah. Malam pergi makan dkat Fend Ikan Bakar. Tamat hari ahad

Fuwh hari sabtu nie....

sabtu tuh aku jadi cameraman. Hasil2nya dibawah:

Burung niekan yg palik menarik perhatian. Ade rupe siape?

Okaylahkan untuk beginner mcm aku :DD

Khairul Aiman ;D