Monday, October 19, 2009

Fuwh :X

So, hari bermula pada jam 11.00 am..
Aku bgn tidor. Sakit kpale kowt, tulah tdo lambat XD. Then, borak2 pastu mandi.
Siap ke s.p. Haih, model aku tak siap2 lagi nieh.. Markernyer sudah habis dong.
Check income ade tak..

Jam 1230 tghhari:menuggu kelibat rakan2 dibawah jejantas kat post office. Memang janji kaw. Call punye call, sorang sampai pukul 100 ptg. Lagi due org, half and hor kemudian tibe. Plan disana, mat nak cari baju,epul cari kasut,nas masih mencari2,aku mencari marker :DD

Jam 400 ptg, barang aku check. Epul plak masih blum puas mencari2 kasut. Mat blum jumpe bajunya XD. In the end settle jgak kul 600 ptg. Hantar plak hadiah kat amalin. Then sampailah dirumah.

Status kewangan sudah low XP. Insyaallah dpt income in about 24 days

Afro Sergeant

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Fuwh, it has been 5 days after P.M.R. and there were exactly more than 5 open house yg telah diadekan. Now, I'm into doing my models :DD. Before the exam, I had not much time to do so, now I have plenty of time. Been really wanting to go see a movie with kawan2. Skrang no movie yg best. This upcoming saturday am going to go back to Seri Menanti for the first time. There's some pertabalan thingie, so I've got the chance to go.

Well thats all :DD



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Countdown To The End

Hye everyone,

So sorry dah lame tak update. Been busy studying and rayaing. Well, next to all form 3 across Malaysia, wishing you guys the bests for PMR(me too). Today, nothing happened as usual. Was kh and agama pra paper. To my suprise I got 70% for agama and 67% for kh. Yesterday I've forgotten that there were a KH paper.
Tomorrow is Sejarah and Geografi paper. This coming saturday aand sunday, ade open house. Surely I would go. Like what Puan Indra said: three days before PMR don't read any books, go for a movie or shopping. But, no pc.. :DD
