Monday, December 19, 2011

Say that name :)

From the desk of His Excellency Lord KlauzJR,

Hey hey... I'm gonna share a friend of mine to you all. It's a special request from him actually.. Chaee~~ hehe. Let me start.

Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you my dear dear friend Najmi Haris bin Ahmad Nasution :) He is my loyal treasurer of 5P from the era of Kipok till my reign as Prime Minis.. oops sorry, Class Monitor :D. HE is the best fried people can get.

Okay, a little bit bout Mr. Najmi or Sam as we call him. He is from The RED Rouser family. He is into arts and longing to become an interior designer. He loves to lados :D My gay partner when doing illegal duties :D Fly partner for sometimes 

He has a love interest :D I know that girl well. Good luck finding the lucky girl Sammy boy. He also has a jambu named Wan Mohd Danial. A Form 1 guy :D. Well he isnt gay. He needs a little bro to talk to. Come on Sam :) He used to be a nerd, but somehow became a map of problematique guy. Haha. Bila lagi is his used words. I really hate that word

He haails from Kajang. Where SATAYS come from :D He never leaves his duty as a faithful co worker to me :D He's also very famous among girls for his sweet talk :D Seriously, need help? CALL SAM BUNKBED here :D

We met earlier this week at an Expo in Mid Valley. Sorry for not following you to RANTAI. Got to go actually. Parents these days are not easy to persuade. You are most welcomed to stay at my place. Or i'll come over to yours :D

Dear Sam thanks for alwas being there. Thanks for sharing your bed with me and Macha and Khaicha :D Good luck in everything you do. Never give up in your life bro. We'll meet anytime you call that phone number of mine :)

A little photo to keep you entertained

your bestfriend,
klauz jr :)

1 comment:

njmhrs said...

semoga kita dapat tidur sama-sama lagi di bawah satu bumbung. Insyaallah :)