Friday, February 19, 2010

Mengira Hari

Salam Satu Malaysia to all of you out there,

How was your Chinese New Year. Some of us had already started schooling since Tuesday itself. While other schools masih cuti(including me). On Sunday, again I'm gonna board the bus back to Ipoh. Not gonna see my right hand friends for a number of weeks. Aduhh,kena start kawad-ing back. The most past time that i really hate the most. KAWAD. Man, whoever is in my size 9 shoes are gonna say straight away" I'm gonna move out of this school ASAp". Yeap, I also used to say that. Tapi, what to do rite. Just sabar sahaja and redha. Thank God its only 1hour and a half only. If they extended it sampai 2 hours, K.O. Skipped dinner a number of time dah because of this. :P

am gonna rarely update this blog. See you all during term break :)


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Two Weeks :)

Hello peeps, how are you all? Hope that you all are at the best of health. It has been awhile now since I scratch on this blog. To all, I am not schooling in SMKKJ anymore. I am now A Perakian. Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh. A school full of history for my family. My dad was in the school, 1981-1985, uncle, 1978-1982,abg izham dunno, atok maarup also unknown, tok lang midin onlny entered there for Form 6. I am quite fine with living in a boarding school. My hostel is, technically the nearest to the academic block, dewan makan, surau and a bunch of others.

I was the last person to register during the orientation day. 31 lucky students across Semenanjung Malaysia except for Perlis. We were packed into one class, 4P. our class teacher is Madam Juliana Shaarum. A very happy and cheerful teacher she is. We need not use any effort to cheer up the class as she had prepared the whole lot. :) Then, what I kurang suka is their food. Over"kanji"ed rice. Oh man!! One of my very nono. Kalau I malas, I'll just skip and go to the ko op and buy some roti. :D

The sports there are very2 interesting. Well thats for now See you all in a while.
Signing off,

Khairul Aiman