Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fast Forward

From the desktop of Klauz II,

It has been a hectic week. EXAM WEEK . A bunch of papers has passed. Sejarah was difficult. modern math was like ADD MATH. Seriously, I would like to go back to Year 1 where everything is as simple as ABC and 123. But still, time won't come back right ? tomorrow is Sivics and PK paper.

I mean like why should there be any papers for these subjects :/ School is upside down already. I'm sick amd weak. Haiyo. I just lost my handphone and found it back :DD thank GOD! Mp3 is still lost in time. Mum bought me a new Walkman and another for her. Thank YOU MAMA :) Really appreciate it. I fell like going out and eat McD. It has been months since I ate McD. Been thinking of going this Saturday 

Ok, got to go now :) Turrahh

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